Donald Trump and members of the GOP have never been able to explain or reconcile the President’s clear and open praise for Wikileaks. Watch Trump praise Wikileaks…
This explanation needs even further clarification since (then)CIA director Mike Pompeo (Trump appointee) made a clear statement that Wikileaks is a “Hostile foreign intelligence service.” See Video
Furthermore, Pompeo specifically called out RUSSIA for their use of Wikileaks, as well as Edward Snowden, who Trump has recently dangled a pardon at. Snowden coincidentally is living in exile in RUSSIA. See Video…
Weird flip flop by Trump on Snowden…
Pompeo also called out RT (Russia Today.)
There are only two possible realities here:
- Wikileaks isn’t a “foreign intelligence operation,” and Mike Pompeo unilaterally made that statement to potentially embarrass Trump. Weird that he would do that, not get fired, and end up as the Secretary of State. Makes sense?
- Wikileaks is a “foreign intelligence operation,” as the CIA and any layperson on Twitter can easily ascertain, which makes Donald Trump one of two things:
a) A witting agent of the Russian Federation.
b) A useful idiot of the Russian Federation, unwittingly disseminating their disinformation to the American public. Either one of these explanations disqualifies him for the Oval Office.
Mike Pompeo’s statement, as director of the CIA, doesn't do very much to debunk the GOP’s “Russia Hoax,” instead it actually bolsters the Russia interference theory.
Also a weird tid bit that Assange’s lawyer in the UK admits Dana Rorbacher (Putin’s favorite former congressman) offered a pardon on behalf of Trump.
So what is it GOPers? Was Pompeo and the CIA making a false statement to embarrass Trump and bolster the Russian interference theory?
If that’s true, kind of weird that Pompeo was demoted up to Secretary of State, don’t you think?
If Wikileaks is in fact a foreign intel operation, then Donald Trump is either a Russian agent himself, or too stupid to know that he has been duped by a “hostile foreign intelligence service.” Neither scenario bodes well for the president or his supporters who have not yet completed their mental gymnastics on this issue.
What did Roger stone get convicted of again? Oh, lying to congress about his contacts with Wikileaks, on behalf of the President…